
Ausführliches Fertigung- & Handelswissens

Unsere Leitfäden zur Beschaffung im Ausland

Das Handels-Wiki versorgt Sie regelmäßig mit detaillierten Artikeln über die Grundlagen der Geschäftstätigkeit im Ausland. Dieser wichtige Beschaffungsleitfaden deckt alle Fragen ab; von der Produktspezifikation über die Lieferantenrecherche bis hin zum Zoll werden alle wichtigen technischen, rechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Aspekte behandelt. Darüber hinaus haben wir eine Reihe von Artikeln über unsere beliebtesten Produktkategorien. Wir decken in den Artikeln viele Produktionsstandorte ab, aber China steht aufgrund seiner Beliebtheit als Produktionsstandort im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit. Wir bezeichnen es manchmal als China-Handelswiki. Dies ist der beste Ort für Sie, um nach handelsbezogenen Themen zu suchen. Schauen Sie auch in unserem Fertigungsblog nach spezifischeren Artikeln und in unseren Branchenberichten für die Produktkategorie, die Sie interessiert.

How to Deal with Legal Issues when Investing in China
Customs & Miscellaneous

Trafficking Goods: Customs Restrictions in China

Customs in China are well-known to be meticulous about goods entering and leaving the country. Corresponding paperwork with respect to taxes, tariffs and certifications should be prepared neatly to avoid any troubles. Furthermore, also the China Customs Restrictions for banned items should be adhered.

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china visa requirements are easy to understand
Customs & Miscellaneous

Visas for China: Overview and Basic Guideline

China visa requirements for citizens of Western countries are quite strict. The visa application process should be done in your home country, but Westerners can usually go without a visa to Hong Kong or Macau and also apply from there. Tourist, business and work visas are the most common types.

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Political Risks & Opportunities

Trade Wars: Customs and Currency Conflicts

Protectionist measures are increased reciprocally in a Trade War between countries. China Currency War & China Custom War tendencies are often seen. Initially limited to certain products, revenge intentions can escalate and hurt the economies of all countries. Regulations by the WTO are important to prevent conflicts.

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China Infrastructure is an important factor of booming manufacturing
Planning Manufacturing

Infrastructure & Trade Routes: The Rapid Modernization

In contrast to most developing countries, China already has advanced infrastructure development in place at least for urban areas. China Infrastructure Spending on improvements accounts for 9% of its GDP annually. The country is eager to bring its infrastructure up to the level of a developed nation.

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Trade Partners of China are insightful for the number one trade power
Country Report China

Trade Partners: Figures about China’s Commercial Relationships

China’s Main Trading Partners Relations have become much more important for both sides. Due to the focus on manufacturing and export, the most important Trade Partners of China are Western countries and industrialized countries in Asia. It is expected that other Asian countries become more important in the future.

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China Import and Export Fairs are plenty but have lost significance
Supplier & Market Research

Trade Fairs: Exhibition Overview and Tips

China Import and Export Fairs have lost significance due to the rise of online platforms, but a China Trade Fair is still useful if you want to get in touch with many suppliers in a short time. Furthermore, particularly Trade Exhibitions about niche product categories allow you to find related companies.

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Intrepid Sourcing & Services