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jewelry industry

Jewelry & Watches Industry Report

China is the largest producer and exporter of Watches & Jewelry in the world by volume. The majority of low to medium-range jewelry products and watches come from China. It remains unrivaled as manufacturer and exporter for the Watches & Jewelry Industry.

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gifts industry

Gifts & Premiums Industry Report

China is the largest producer and exporter of Promotional Giveaways, Premiums & Gifts in the world. The global personalized gifts market value is expected to reach 31.63 billion USD by 2021. It remains unrivaled as manufacturer and exporter for the Premiums & Gifts Industry.

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Children Products & Toys Industry Report

China is the largest producer and exporter of Children Products & Toys in the world. It is accounting for almost 80% of the global toy supply. It remains unrivaled as manufacturer and exporter for the Children Products & Toy Industry.

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Intrepid Sourcing & Services